New environmental audio system, capturing what I imagine running through a robot-infested industrial complex sounds like. Rooms are now 25% smaller. Robot count...
Alert levels ramp up more slowly, making individual battles smaller and more spaced out. Shrank robot hitboxes. Doubled damage capacity for jackasses and badass...
Upgrade game engine and related plugins. Fixed many visibility and exploration mode inconsistencies. Added adrenaline. Multiple robot kills within the bonus win...
Upgraded underlying sound library. Added setting to toggle HRTF audio. Enable this for headphones, or disable it for stereo/surround-sound play. Added PulseAudi...
Robot patrols scale up more slowly. Pressing Start on gamepads from the pause menu now correctly resumes the game. Games no longer automatically restart when fi...
Robot patrols appear from level 4 onward. Removed the command to speak number of remaining robots. Added ability to disable graphics rendering completely. Fixed...